Press archives
Kurz cold foil passes deinking test with distinction
Fürth/Germany, 14 December 2017: INGEDE (the International Association of the Deinking Industry) has confirmed the flawless deinkability of a cold foil produced by Leonhard Kurz. The finishing foil, presented to the association by Kurz, passed the deinking test with a score of 100 out of 100 possible points. The deinking process led to a maximum removal of ink from the printing product, as well as upmost brightness. The best possible optical quality was achieved, which allows the deinked cardboard to be recycled without any problems.
Creative light design for home appliances
Fürth/Germany, 12 October 2017: At this year's Fakuma, from 17-21 October in Friedrichshafen, Leonhard Kurz will be showing how home appliances are being turned into designer items. The specialist for decorative and functional surface coatings will present designer refrigerators with novel backlit front panels at Fakuma. There is an increasing trend towards integrating kitchens into living areas. As a result, the visual appearance of the kitchen interior is becoming ever more important. Kurz is responding to this trend with front panel designs for home appliances that are eye-catching in daylight and when backlit.
Leonhard Kurz brings new colors into play
Fürth/Germany, 14 September 2017: At Luxe Pack in Monaco, current design and color trends will be front and center at the Leonhard Kurz booth. The company will present new and unusual colors for hot stamping enhancement.
In developing these color innovations, the Kurz design team has drawn from its latest trend analysis. The annual Kurz trend study, carried out with a trend agency, sifts through hip lifestyles and documents current trends. After categorizing five trends, designers have developed hot stamping foil colors which transmit an attitude to life, capture sentiments and reflect the zeitgeist.
Surface design and coating technology innovations
Fürth/Germany, 29 August 2017: Leonhard Kurz will be presenting novel backlit surface designs at Fakuma 2017. Using an automotive door trim as an example, Kurz will demon-strate the use of variable partial backlighting to produce mood-setting day/night designs with color changes, color gradients and changing color intensities. Besides surface finishes, multi-colored designs with a special depth effect will be presented where the three-dimensional effect is especially striking as a result of the backlighting.
Digital web-fed printing machine with integrated metallization unit
Fürth/Germany, 26 July 2017: Leonhard Kurz will present a world first at Labelexpo in Brussels from 25 - 28 September: the DM-Liner UV-Ink Built-in finishing station, integrated into a narrow-web printing and further processing machine.
This transfer station for digital metal foil from Kurz is a component of the new
Mlabel Generation 3 Mprint printing system which prints, finishes, punches and weeds labels. At the Kurz trade fair booth the full range of functionality of the Mlabel system will be demonstrated, including the trouble-free integration of the digital metal transfer step into the digital printing process.
Peter Mühlfelder is a new board member of the International Currency Association
Fürth/Germany, 29 May 2017: Peter Mühlfelder, Head of Business Area Security at Leonhard Kurz, has been elected into the board of the International Currency Association (ICA). With two other newly appointed members, he will be part of the ICA's seven-person executive committee for the next two years.
Kurz, a leading supplier of foil-based security solutions for banknotes, is a founding member of the ICA, which was formally established in 2016.
Sealing caps with electroplated look
Fürth/Germany, 26 April 2017: Leonhard Kurz has developed a new decoration method for plastic sealing caps, which enables true metal layers to be applied without electroplating. The patent-pending Kurz CAP-tivate Luxury process creates a high-gloss metallic finish that is very similar in appearance to electroplating. At the same time, it fulfills the very stringent chemical resistance requirements of, for example, the cosmetics industry.
A sample says more than 1000 pictures
Fürth/Germany, 25 April 2017: Leonhard Kurz, a manufacturer of decorative and functional coatings, will be presenting Kurz Instant Prototyping, a new prototyping service for customers at Interpack in Düsseldorf from May fourth to tenth. Thanks to Kurz's expertise in stamping foil finishing, the instant prototyping service will be able to provide customers with custom decorated packaging or label samples - if necessary, within a single day.
Exclusiveness on a roll
Fürth/Germany, 18 April 2017: Leonhard Kurz will be presenting its new foil transfer unit for digital metallization in a web-fed printing process at Interpack, from May fourth to tenth in Düsseldorf. The machine is a roll-to-roll version of the DM-Liner UV-Ink, which transfers metallizations to paper and plastic substrates using the inkjet process. Kurz developed this finishing station to enable the nar-row-web processing sector to also take advantage of all the possibilities offered by its digital metal transfer technology.
Foil requirements calculation via mouse click
Fürth/Germany, 12 April 2017: Leonhard Kurz will be presenting its Foilconnect program for calculating foil requirements at this year's Interpack, from May fourth to tenth in Düsseldorf. The purpose of the program is to provide print finishers with a particularly fast and easy means of optimizing their hot stamping foil usage. To determine the foil requirements, a PDF file containing all the stamping designs is first uploaded. Next the machine specifications and stamping job details are entered and, a few clicks later, all the necessary information for efficient foil usage and machine setup are then obtained.
Packaging trends and product finishing innovations
Fürth/Germany, 2 September 2016: Leonhard Kurz, a specialist in sophisticated decoration solutions, will be presenting a whole host of ideas for current and future packaging refinement at Luxe Pack Monaco from 21 - 23 September 2016. With the aid of its "Brand" packaging series, the company will demonstrate a range of innovative and novelly implemented decoration processes for a variety of materials.
NXP Europe invests in new DM‑Liner from Kurz
Fürth/Germany, 10 June 2016: The British digital printing company NXP Europe is the first company worldwide to invest in the B2 format Digital Metal technology from Leonhard Kurz. The company purchased a Kurz DM-Liner for digital metallization at Drupa 2016, where the B2 machine was demonstrated for the first time. This foil transfer station for digital printing equipment produces metallic effects on paper and card stock, even for one-off print jobs. Subsequent color overprinting is used to create metallizations in arbitrary color tones. It is also possible to transfer holographic designs. Using the DM-Liner, NXP plans to offer its customers unique digital finishing solutions such as elaborately decorated commercial print jobs or refined personalized packaging.
Easier calculation of stamping foil requirements
31. May 2016: Leonhard Kurz presents a program for faster foil usage estimation and ordering
Kurz Foil Connect is the name of a program that Leonhard Kurz has developed to simplify the work of hot stamping foil processors. Stamping machine and stamping foil technologies have undergone continuous further development over the past few decades and the hot stamping process is very high-tech these days. Kurz set itself the goal of also simplifying the estimation and ordering tasks and integrating them into the relevant digital processes. At Drupa 2016, the company will be explaining the Kurz Foil Connect program and demonstrating its various functions.
New DM-Liner UV Ink for digital metallization
24. May 2016: Leonhard Kurz adds a transfer unit with inkjet technology to its product line for digital print finishing
Leonhard Kurz, developer of the Digital Metal creative metal transfer process, will be presenting its new DM-Liner UV Ink transfer unit at Drupa 2016. This new machine transfers Digital Metal foil onto paper and plastic substrates using the inkjet method. The Digital Metal decoration step can be performed either before or after digital or offset color printing. The transfer station therefore offers unique design possibilities and opens up new market segments for providers of printing services.
Kurz Technology for Banknote of the Year
18. May 2016: New Zealand's new 5 Dollar Banknote using a novel security feature provided by Leonhard KURZ receives international banknote award
The International Bank Note Society (IBNS) has voted the new 5 Dollar bill of New Zealand, equipped with foil security from Leonhard Kurz, as Banknote of the Year 2015. Each year, the IBNS awards a banknote for artistic banknote design and the use of innovative security elements. The new 5 Dollar banknote of New Zealand convinced the jury with its color concept and a novel security feature developed by Kurz: A diffractive optically variable security foil is applied in hot stamping over a transparent area in the polymer banknote.
Allrounders and specialists for any case
17. May 2016: Leonhard Kurz presents its latest stamping foil developments
at Drupa
Optimized foil grades to successfully carry out a wide variety of stamping jobs - this is what Kurz promises with its latest hot stamping product range which it will present at Drupa 2016. The company has developed a so-called M-series to make hot stamping even less complicated for processors and to simplify stock keeping. The Luxor/Alufin MTS stamping foil was developed for this purpose, and is a versatile and easy-to-process foil with exceptionally consistent processability and proven success in the market.
Print finishing that will make people look twice
10. May 2016: New Kurz stamping foil changes color at different viewing angles
The metallized stamping foil Luxor MTS Polarlight from Leonhard Kurz offers packaging designers new possibilities for gaining the attention of the viewer. Depending on the angle at which a print product finished with this design foil is viewed, the metallic color changes from a cool emerald green to a vibrant purple. When the foil is applied to multiple areas on the packaging or to a curved surface, for example on a bottle label, both colors can be visible at the same time. This enables a two-color effect to be produced from just a single stamping foil.
LEONHARD KURZ named a HP SmartStream Solutions Partner
3. May 2016: The KURZ DM-Liner for creating glossy, metalized surfaces with digital print will be presented at the HP stand at drupa 2016
LEONHARD KURZ, the specialist in decorative and functional thin-film coatings, is now part of the HP SmartStream Solutions Partner Program. This program was set up by HP to enhance the HP digital print ecosystem through cooperation with technology partners, in order to provide HP customers with complete solutions that boost growth. HP has recognized KURZ and its Digital Metal process as a partner that creates tangible added value using digital technology for print products.
Innovative die technologies for hot stamping
26. April 2016: Hinderer + Mühlich presenting novel die designs
and setup aids at Drupa
The manufacturer of hot stamping dies Hinderer + Mühlich will be taking part at this year's Drupa as a co-exhibitor with the stamping foil manufacturer Kurz. The company, a member of the Kurz Group, will be presenting its latest die technology developments at the Kurz booth. On display will be novel hot stamping dies for producing a broad range of contemporary stamping designs. The company will also be presenting innovative aids for efficient die mounting.
New tools for brand enhancement
19. April 2016: Leonhard Kurz showcasing holographic designs with special color and 3D effects at Drupa
At Drupa 2016 Leonhard Kurz will be presenting new optically variable devices for hot stamping and cold foil finishing. The key features of these holographic single images and continuous designs are a novel color change or special depth effect. Kurz developed these designs to offer brand name manufacturers new possibilities for attractive packaging design and brand name protection.
Single images in cold foil transfer
12. April 2016: New module for precisely positioning holographic single-image designs
Leonhard Kurz will be presenting the Distorun module for processing single images and continuous designs on narrow-web cold foil transfer systems at this year's Drupa. Previously, it has only been possible to transfer metallic colors and holographic continuous designs using cold foil technology. With the Distorun module installed on a printing machine, it is now also possible to precisely position holographic single images
New varieties of holographic designs
5. April 2016: Intentional color minimization and innovative light refraction patterns create surprising effects
At Drupa 2016, Leonhard Kurz will be presenting novel holographic designs for hot stamping and cold foil decoration. Three new design lines complementing the so-called Light Line product range will be presented: New Classics with combined or unusually arranged lens effects, White Infinities with frosted continuous designs, and White Images with eye-catching holographic single images and elegant color effects.
New horizons in print finishing
1. April 2016: Leonhard Kurz will be presenting new print finishing possibilities and optimized processes at Drupa
Using the theme "Creating New Horizons" at Drupa 2016, Kurz will be demonstrating new opportunities and perspectives for the printing and print finishing sector. The manufacturer of decorative and functional coatings will present new possibilities for effectively enhancing print products, while at the same time simplifying the finishing process.
Drupa 2016 - Don't just touch the future - live the future with Kurz innovation and creativity ...
29. March 2016: Leonhard Kurz @ Drupa May 31-June10, 2016, Booth D60 in Hall 3
Innovative and creative global decoration specialist Leonhard Kurz will feature its largest number of inspired new products and capabilities at Drupa 2016 in Düsseldorf May/June this year.
For print applications
(vectorized EPS)
The KURZ logo for a 4c, black-and-white, and negative application as vectorized EPS. (ZIP 3,91 MB)
For office applications
(jpg files)
The KURZ logo for a color, black-and-white, and negative application as jpg file. (ZIP 14,0 kB)